
Departamentul Calculatoare
Str. G. Barițiu nr. 28, 400027 Cluj-Napoca, România

Director departament - Sala C9, Telefon: +40-(0)264-202389
Secretariat - Sala M04, Telefon: +40-(0)264-401221

The Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science- “Babes-Bolyai” University

organize the Computer Science Students Conference 2022, on June 24, 2022.

Students are invited to participate with original articles, which will be evaluated and selected for public presentation, as well as for further publication.
The papers must be submitted until the June 14, 2022, end of day, on the e-mail address, together with the Registration Form (see below).

New: extensie termen de transmitere a lucrarilor: luni, 20 iunie ora 6.00 a.m.

The papers must respect the IEEE format, having no more than 6-8 pages, written in English.
After the evaluation process, the accepted papers will be presented according to the Program that will be announced.
Taking into account their scientific relevance, some papers will be considered for publication in scientific journals.
Contact person: Assoc. Professor, PhD Paulina Mitrea
Registration form template, to be downloaded: Registration_Form_2022

Conference Program

Computer Science Students Conference 2022 AWARDS

Premiul I

Lajos Mihai Zsisku - “Methods for Detecting Proxied Malware Execution”

Köllő Magor Örs - “Autonomous Harvesting Robot with an Embedded GPU based Approach”

Premiul II

Cozma Victoria - “A Marker-based vs Markerless Augmented Reality Environment for Jewelry Online Shops

Florin-Daniel Petrean -Automatic Buffer Overflow and Format String Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation”

Premiul III

Bouaru Radu - Architecture for Inspecting Bluetooth Traffic in Software-Defined Networks”

István-Attila Császár - Towards a fast and reliable reverse engineering tool based on Frida framework and Rust”

Adam Godra - “Privy Messenger - A P2P, E2EE Instant Messaging System”

Mențiune I

Maria-Larisa Radu - “The Robot Hand Teacher for American Sign Language”

Mențiune II

Razvan Gabriel Dumitru, Sebastian-Antonio Toma - “Fisher’s test using Prime decomposition”

Mențiune III

Motora Paul-Gheorghe - “Combined Application of Genetic Programming in Deep Learning for detecting Fraudulent Transactions”

Mențiune IV

David Bogdan, Darius Has - Knowledge graphs for natural language understanding”